Service Directory

Renewal of the registered workers permit

Through this service, the registered work permit holder can renew it six months before the expiry of his work permit

Service Conditions

  • Obligation to pay the Monthly Fees

Required Attachments

  • The passport of the holder of the registered workers permits or identity card.

Legal Regulations

  • This permit is issued in accordance with the provisions of Law No. (19) of 2006 regarding regulating the labour market and its amendments. This permit is issued by the Authority to an alien as a foreign employer acting on his or her behalf and on his or her own behalf in accordance with articles (1, 30, 31 and 32).


  • 177 BD : Service Fees for a one-year registered worker permit.
  • 5 BD : Admin fees
  • 349 BD : Fees for a two-year registered worker permit.
  • 15 BD : Monthly fees

Payment Methods

  • Sadad
  • BFC branches
  • Fawateer

Process Time

  • 1 working day

Service Provider

Labour Market Regulatory Authority

Cooperative Entities

  • Ministry of Interior - Nationality, Passports and Residence Affairs

Service Processes

  • The BFC employee verifies the worker’s information and makes sure that there are no monthly fees that he has not paid.
  • A renewal application is submitted at his request for a period of one or two years
  • The BFC employee will receive the renewal amount fees.
  • The permit holder will receive a text message stating the date of receipt of the registered worker’s permit card.
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