Service Directory

Change of Registration Centre

Through this service the registered worker can change the registration centre

Service Conditions

  • Change center is only applicable after 30 days .
  • Registered worker should pay all the monthly fees .

Required Attachments

  • Change registered center form
  • Registered worker ID

Legal Regulations

  • Resolution No. (1) of 2022 regarding assigning some tasks of the Labour Market Regulatory Authority to labor registration centers Article Five

Process Time

  • 30 Working days

Service Provider

Labour Market Regulatory Authority

Service Processes

  • Fill the change registeration center form
  • Submit the application to the new registration center
  • Registeration center representative is required to submit the application to LMRA or through Esupport

  • Fill the change registeration center form
  • Submit the application to the new registration center
  • Registeration center representative is required to submit the application to LMRA or through Esupport

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