Service Directory

Request for laboratory tests

This service is provided by the Ministry of Works, Municipalities Affairs and Urban Planning to private sector establishments who wish to evaluate or analyse the materials used in their work activities and projects.

Required Attachments

  • Samples of materials to be tested
  • Material Analysis Request Form

Legal Regulations

  • Resolution No. (19) of 2016


  • Varies by category

Process Time

  • 1 to 3 working days

Service Provider

Ministry of Municipalities Affairs and Agriculture

Service Processes

  • The applicant: Visit the Ministry of Works, Municipalities Affairs and Urban Planning to issue a contact card by filling out the necessary forms and stamping them with the company’s official seal
  • Ministry of Works, Municipalities Affairs and Urban Planning: Issue a contact card and send it to the applicant by email
  • The applicant: Visit the Ministry of Works’ Materials Engineering Directorate, or submit the application electronically through the ministry’s website or the e-government website, and send a sample of the materials to be analysed along with the name of the test
  • Ministry of Works, Municipalities Affairs and Urban Planning: Electronically issue a reference number allowing the applicant to follow up on the status of the application through the website of the Ministry of Works
  • Ministry of Works, Municipalities Affairs and Urban Planning: Conduct the necessary checks and update the system with the result of the examination
  • The applicant shall be notified of the completion of the testing process by email.
  • The applicant: Visit the website of the Ministry of Works to view the results of the analysis using the reference number
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