Service Directory

Final Examination Certificate for Electricity Connection for New Buildings

It is the service for inspecting new buildings in order to issue a no-objection letter to connect the electric current. During the inspection process, it is verified that the requirements and preventive requirements for fire protection are met.

Service Conditions

  • The technical specifications mentioned in Ministerial Edict No. (49) of 2009 must be adhered to regarding the requirements for firefighting and alarm equipment

Required Attachments

  • The application is submitted at the Protection and Safety Department reception, where it is verified that the applicant has obtained the following approvals, which may vary based on the classification and size of the building
  • List of requirements for fire protection requirements issued by the Municipal Comprehensive Center with a copy of the approved architectural plans.
  • Special approvals for alarm systems plans (if requested in the list of requirements)
  • Special approvals for schemes of firefighting systems (if requested in the list of requirements)
  • Special approvals for smoke control schemes (if requested in the list of requirements)
  • Approvals for fire rated doors
  • Official papers from companies licensed to use resistant finishes and use materials resistant to the spread of fire

Legal Regulations

  • Ministerial Edict No. (167) for the year 2002 AD regarding the regulation of the requirements for protection and protection from fire in buildings.
  • Decree-Law No. (5) for the year 1990 regarding civil defense, as amended by Law No. (22) for the year 2014
  • Edict No. (49) for the year 2009 regarding the requirements for firefighting and warning equipment


  • 30 BD

Process Time

  • 10 Working Days

Service Provider

Ministry of Interior - General Directorate of Civil Defense

Service Processes

  • Applications are made to the administration via e-mail Where the staff reviews the nature of the request and the availability of its forms
  • The Protection and Safety Department contacts the applicant for payment
  • Issuing a receipt with an application number for the service.
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