Service Directory

A certificate of fulfilling the conditions and precautions for protection and fire prevention for the existing buildings, and its renewal in case of a renewal request

It is the service concerned with inspecting the installations related to the fire prevention requirements and conditions in the facility. A message / report is issued in case of completion.

Required Attachments

  • The company is licensed by the Protection and Safety Department to submit an official letter requesting verification of the requirements to be inspected
  • In the event of submitting a service request (certificate of fulfilling the conditions and precautions for protection and fire prevention for existing buildings, and renewing them in the event of a renewal request), the engineering plans approved by the administration must be submitted and adherence to the technical notes referred to (Decision No. (49) of 2009 with the special requirements firefighting equipment and alarm)

Legal Regulations

  • Ministerial Edict No. (167) for the year 2002 AD regarding the regulation of the requirements for protection and protection from fire in buildings
  • Decree-Law No. (5) for the year 1990 regarding civil defense, as amended by Law No. (22) for the year 2014.
  • Edict No. (49) for the year 2009 regarding the requirements for firefighting and warning equipment


  • 50 BD

Process Time

  • 10 Working Days

Service Provider

Ministry of Interior - General Directorate of Civil Defense

Service Processes

  • Applications are made to the administration via e-mail (Where the staff reviews the nature of the request and the availability of its forms).
  • The Protection and Safety Department contacts the applicant for payment and issues a receipt with a service request number.
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