Service Directory

Applications for sporting sabbatical leaves

The beneficiary entity must submit an application for leave to the necessary Directorate in accordance with the relevant forms at least one month prior to the preparation and participation period, unless there is an exception deemed to be serious by the relevant department. The application should be accompanied by documents proving the applicant’s participation in sports, games, tournaments or as part of the national team, a club, or federation. Evidence of permission obtained from the Authority and sports federation with respect to clubs and the Olympic Committee for sports federations should also be included.

Required Attachments

  • Application for sporting sabbatical leave form

Legal Regulations

  • Resolution No. (155) of 2020 with respect to the regulations governing the rules and procedures for obtaining special leave for preparation and participation in athletics and other sporting championships, and amendments thereto.

Process Time

  • 30 Working Days

Service Provider

General Sports Authority

Service Processes

  • Email receipt of the request at least one month from the date of participation.
  • Ensure that the application form is complete, including all required data. If the application matches the system, the application is processed.
  • Prepare the leave document and send it to the relevant authority for signing (Minister/Deputy Minister/Assistant Undersecretary/Director).
  • Send the leave form to the relevant work entity and beneficiary.
  • Send notification of acceptance or rejection to the applicant.

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