Service Directory

Request for permanent or temporary housing for elderly people

An elderly Bahrani or their representative can apply for permanent or temporary housing in one of the two institutions which operate under the Ministry of Labour and Social Development. This service is available for those who meet the requirements for accommodation and do not have a supporter or family to take care of them. They will enjoy all types of medical, psychological, and recreational care in the institution, in addition to rehabilitation programs that aim to use the experiences they have accumulated during their lifetime and involve them in social activities that enhance their integration. This service is constantly being upgraded, both in its facilities and programs, to meet the needs of all beneficiaries.

Service Conditions

  • To be a Bahraini
  • The elderly person does not have a legal breadwinner
  • To be free from contagious diseases
  • To be free from mental disorders
  • Age is 60 years old or over
  • The inability of the elderly to meet his primary needs by himself
  • Have a desire to shelter

Required Attachments

  • Copy of the applicant’s ID card and a copy of the ID card of the person who has submitted the request
  • Medical report proving that the applicant is free of infectious diseases
  • Medical report proving that the applicant is free of mental illnesses
  • Family income

Legal Regulations

  • Executive Bylaw No. 1 of 2011, regarding Law No. 58 on the Rights of the Elderly.

Process Time

  • 5 - 10 Working Days

Service Provider

Ministry of Social Development

Cooperative Entities

  • Ministry of Health

Service Processes

  • The administrator or social researcher enters the request into the comprehensive electronic system of the Social Welfare Directorate (Department of Requests for Devices and Aids).
  • Determining the date of the visit by the social researcher in the electronic system.
  • Requesting medical tests for infectious diseases. (Form No. 3). This form is to be attached to the e-system and transferred to the Nursing Department.
  • If the test results show that the concerned person is in good health, the request is transferred to the head of the center and then the head of the department.
  • After making sure that the research has covered all the requirements, the concerned elderly person is transferred to one of the two institutions if there is a vacancy. If there is no vacant place, he/she would be placed on a waiting list
  • In case there is a vacancy, the head of the institution shall add the elderly person to the list of the elderly people who are accommodated in the institution. The concerned elderly person shall be received, his ID card and all his / her personal belongings handed in.
  • Keeping his material belongings and valuables in the institution’s safe.
  • The family of the elderly person or his/her representative signs a declaration confirming his/her admission (Form No. 7), Nutrition Declaration (Form No. 9), the conditions of accommodation in the institution (Form No. 8)
  • Informing the nutritionist, psychologist and physiotherapist about the this particular elderly man or woman so that all departments in the institution can take the necessary actions.
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