Service Directory

Request for the modification of birth certificate details based on a court order

This service, provided by the Information and eGovernment Authority, allows Bahraini citizens and residents to request the modification of the birth certificate details based on a court order

Required Attachments

  • Copy of the enforcement Judgement
  • Copy of the birth notification form
  • Copy of the ID cards/passports of the parents
  • Copy of the marriage contract/proof of marriage certificate
  • Certified birth certificate if issued outside Bahrain

Legal Regulations

  • Law No. (7) of 2019 regulating the registration of births and deaths


  • 1 BD

Process Time

  • 1 - 3 Working Days

Service Provider

Information & eGovernment Authority

Service Processes

  • In-person attendance at the Births and Deaths Registration Unit and submit a copy of the enforcement judgement and relevant documents (if any)
  • Present a copy of the court judgment, enforcement judgement and any necessary documents to a lawyer to be reviewed by the relevant employee
  • Approval of the court ruling and the enforcement judgement by the lawyer by providing comment on the judgement and handing it to the registration officer
  • The required modification in the e-system is made by the relevant employee, who prints the certificate according to the number of copies specified in the request
  • Approve certificate by signing and communicating by phone with the applicant
  • In-person attendance to receive the certificate

  • Log in through the online service
  • Insert the required details and attach the necessary documents
  • Transfer the request to the relevant employee to process and update the details in the e-system, before attaching the documents in the e-system
  • Communication with the applicant via e-mail through the Legal Affairs team to request their personal attendance
  • Personal attendance to present paper documents, the original birth certificate, and formally submit the request
  • Communicate with the applicant upon completion of the process to attend in-person, pay the fees and receive the certificate
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