Facts & Figures

Title Description

Total area of the Kingdom of Bahrain: 8,269 Km2.

Land area: 786.5 Km2.

Territorial water area: 7,482.5 Km2.

Geographical Coordinates

The Kingdom of Bahrain is located on:

Longitude: 50° 20 , 50° 50 East

Latitude: 25° 32 and 26° 20 North


The total number of population is 1,504,365. Bahrainis are 719,333 (47.8%) while Non-Bahrainis are 785,032 (52.2%) according to 2021 statistics.

Population Density

The population density in the Kingdom of Bahrain is 1912.73 people/square kilometer. The population density in the kingdom's governorates are:

Capital governorate population density is 6,824.93 people/square kilometer

Muharraq governorate population density is 3,594.84 people/square kilometer

Northern governorate population density is 2,724.76 people/square kilometer

Southern governorate population density is 624.59 people/square kilometer


The total number of births is18,042 live births, according to 2020 statistics.


The total number of number of deaths was 3,488 deaths, according to 2020 statistics.

State Budget

Bahrain fiscal budget is planned for two years. The latest budget is for 2023 - 2024. Details

Gross Domestic Product (GDP)

Gross domestic product (GDP) at Purchasers’ Prices
Current: 39.30 billion US dollars, growth -13.52% (2021)
Constant: 33.83 billion US dollars, growth -2.7% (2021)

Gross domestic product (GDP) at constant prices at Purchasers’ Prices
BD 12718.61 million (2021)

Foreign Direct Investment

According to 2021 statistics, the balances of foreign direct investment imports is 12,590 million Bahraini Dinars, and the Inflows of foreign direct investment imports is 668.97 million Bahraini Dinars.

Money and Banking

The number of banks and financial institutions is 360, according to 2022 statistics.

Foreign Trade

The estimated value of exports is BD 5,687,007,490 while the estimated value of imports is BD 5,841,999,768 according to 2022 statistics.

local_gas_station Oil and Gas

“Bahrain” oilfield production of crude oil is 15,545 barrels, while “Abu Sa’afa” field product 54,897 bbl. Gas production is 921,293 million feet3, according to 2021 statistics.

people Labour Force

The registered number of workers in public sector is 58,891 and registered number of workers in private sector is 609,547. The unemployment rate was 5.4%, according to 2022 statistics.

ev_station Electricity and Water

The consumed electrical energy in the agricultural sector is 64 GWh, in the industrial sector is 2,891 GWh, while in the commercial sector is 6,487 GWh, and in the domestic sector is 8,577 GWh according to 2021 statistics.

Transport & Communications

The number of registered vehicles is 774,038. The number of accidents is 822, according to 2022 statistics.


According to 2022 statistics, the number of visitors to the Kingdom of Bahrain reached 9.9 million visitors with an accommodation rate of 3.5 nights per person and the number of tourist nights reached 8.1 million nights. The average daily expenditure for a visitor is 76 BD, and the total inbound tourism revenues is 1.5 billion BD.


The number of students enrolled in the public and private schools is 213,325 students divided into 209 public schools and 70 private schools, according to 2018/2019 statistics.


The literacy rate among the age group (15-24 years) is 99.39%, and the literacy rate among the age group (65 years and over) is 79.02%, according to 2019/2020 statistics.

Health Services

According to 2021 statistics. The number of hospitals and health units is 57, including 9 governmental hospitals staffed by 2,392 doctors (Physicians & Dentists). 27 governmental health centers and 21 private hospitals staffed by 2,977 doctors (Physicians & Dentists ).


The number of fixed telephone lines is 227,133 while the number of mobile phone lines is 1,923,443 line. The number of subscribers to Internet services is 2,172,947 subscribers, according to 2021 statistics.


The total value of fish is 69,840 metric tons, with an estimated consuming rate of fish reached 0.01 grams per day, for each person, according to 2021 statistics.


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Content Last Updated: 24 Aug, 2023

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