Digital Justice Collaboration

Utilizing digital means for broad collaboration, aligning with SDGs for peace, justice, and strong institutions.

The Kingdom of Bahrain has taken serious steps in the digital transformation of the judicial system, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. Thanks to Bahrain’s well-established cloud infrastructure, the judicial services succeed in fully digitalizing court services and continue business operations normally. All court services, case management, hearings, court orders, and more have been conducted online during the pandemic to ensure the protection of people’s rights. 
Bahrain is seeking to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of its judicial system by utilizing digital transformation and artificial intelligence (AI). The Supreme Judicial Council (SJC) is hosting the first international AI conference for the judiciary in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries, aimed at exploring the potential of AI in courtrooms.

AI will automate tasks, analyze evidence, and personalize the justice experience for individual defendants, resulting in a more efficient, effective, and fair justice system that aligns with SDGs for peace, justice, and strong institutions. AI-powered case management systems are a promising AI application in courtrooms, automating tasks such as scheduling hearings, managing documents, and tracking deadlines, freeing up judicial resources for more critical matters such as hearing cases and making rulings.
AI is also being used to personalize the justice experience for defendants, such as assessing their risk of reoffending and recommending rehabilitation programs to assist with their successful reintegration into society.

The use of AI in courtrooms is still in its initial stages, but it can potentially revolutionize the justice system. By automating tasks, analyzing evidence, and personalizing the justice experience, AI can help to make the justice system more efficient, effective, and fair.

Here are specific examples of how AI is being used in courtrooms in Bahrain:

o    The Bahrain government is developing an AI-powered case management system to automate scheduling hearings, document management, and deadline tracking.
o    The Bahrain police are using AI to analyze DNA evidence and match fingerprints.
o    The Bahrain courts are using AI to assess the risk of recidivism for individual defendants and to recommend rehabilitation programs.
o    Translate audio and video recordings into multiple languages, making it easier for defendants and witnesses to understand the proceedings.
o    Generate transcripts of court hearings, which can be used to review cases more quickly and efficiently.
o    Identify potential bias in judicial decisions, helping to ensure that justice is served fairly.

The above are some of the AI use cases in courtrooms in Bahrain. As advancements in AI technology continue to be made, the emergence of even more imaginative and inventive applications of AI within the justice system will be adopted.

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Content Last Updated: 28 Aug, 2023

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